Tailwind Properties And Sample Code

Property Abbreviation Sample Code
Padding p <div class="p-4 p-lg-8 p-xl-12">
Padding Top pt <div class="pt-4 pt-md-6 pt-lg-8">
Padding Bottom pb <div class="pb-4 pb-md-6 pb-lg-8">
Padding Left pl <div class="pl-2 pl-sm-4 pl-lg-6">
Padding Right pr <div class="pr-2 pr-sm-4 pr-lg-6">
Margin m <div class="m-2 m-md-4 m-lg-8">
Margin Top mt <div class="mt-4 mt-sm-6 mt-md-8">
Margin Bottom mb <div class="mb-4 mb-sm-6 mb-md-8">
Margin Left ml <div class="ml-2 ml-md-4 ml-xl-6">
Margin Right mr <div class="mr-2 mr-md-4 mr-xl-6">
Text Color text <div class="text-red-500 text-lg text-center">
Background Color bg <div class="bg-blue-500 bg-opacity-75 bg-no-repeat">
Font Size text <div class="text-sm text-lg md:text-2xl">
Font Weight font <div class="font-normal font-bold font-extrabold">
Width w <div class="w-full w-1/2 w-1/4">
Height h <div class="h-32 h-48 h-64">
Display flex <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between">
Flex Direction flex <div class="flex flex-row flex-col lg:flex-row">
Flex Wrap flex <div class="flex flex-wrap flex-nowrap">
Justify Content justify <div class="justify-start justify-between justify-center">
Align Items items <div class="items-start items-center items-end">
Align Self self <div class="self-start self-center self-end">
Border border <div class="border border-2 border-dashed">
Border Color border <div class="border-red-500 border-green-600 border-blue-300">
Border Radius rounded <div class="rounded-sm rounded-md rounded-full">
Box Shadow shadow <div class="shadow shadow-md shadow-lg">
Opacity opacity <div class="opacity-50 opacity-75 opacity-100">
Z-Index z <div class="z-10 z-20 z-50">
Overflow overflow <div class="overflow-auto overflow-hidden overflow-scroll">
Position absolute <div class="absolute top-0 right-0">
Top top <div class="top-0 top-1/4 top-1/2">
Left left <div class="left-0 left-1/4 left-1/2">
Bottom bottom <div class="bottom-0 bottom-1/4 bottom-1/2">
Right right <div class="right-0 right-1/4 right-1/2">
Cursor cursor <div class="cursor-pointer cursor-default cursor-wait">
Display Grid grid <div class="grid grid-cols-2 grid-cols-4 gap-4">
Grid Columns grid-cols <div class="grid-cols-2 grid-cols-4 md:grid-cols-6">
Grid Rows grid-rows <div class="grid-rows-2 grid-rows-4 grid-rows-6">
Gap gap <div class="gap-2 gap-4 gap-8">
Place Items place-items <div class="place-items-center place-items-end">
Max Width max-w <div class="max-w-xs max-w-sm max-w-full">
Min Width min-w <div class="min-w-0 min-w-full">
Max Height max-h <div class="max-h-48 max-h-screen">
Min Height min-h <div class="min-h-screen min-h-0">
Background Gradient bg-gradient <div class="bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-400 to-green-300">
Ring ring <div class="ring-2 ring-4 ring-offset-2">
Ring Color ring <div class="ring-red-500 ring-blue-400">
Transition transition <div class="transition transition-opacity duration-300">
Hover Text Color hover:text <div class="hover:text-red-500 hover:text-blue-600">
Focus Border Color focus:border <input class="focus:border-blue-500 focus:border-green-500">
Font Style italic <div class="italic not-italic">
Line Height leading <div class="leading-none leading-loose leading-normal">
Letter Spacing tracking <div class="tracking-tight tracking-wide">
Text Align text <div class="text-left text-center text-right">
Visibility visible <div class="visible invisible">
List Style list <ul class="list-disc list-decimal">
Flex Grow flex-grow <div class="flex-grow flex-grow-0 flex-grow-1">
Object Fit object <img class="object-contain object-cover">
Background Repeat bg <div class="bg-repeat bg-no-repeat bg-repeat-x">
Background Size bg <div class="bg-cover bg-contain bg-auto">
Outline outline <button class="outline-none outline-white">
Grid Auto Flow grid-flow <div class="grid-flow-row grid-flow-col">
Text Decoration underline <div class="underline line-through no-underline">
Border Style border <div class="border-dashed border-dotted border-solid">
Divide X divide-x <div class="divide-x divide-x-4 divide-x-8">
Resize resize <textarea class="resize-none resize-y resize-x">
Scroll Snap Type snap <div class="snap-start snap-end snap-center">
Select All select <div class="select-none select-all">
Stroke stroke <svg class="stroke-current stroke-2">
Aspect Ratio aspect <div class="aspect-w-16 aspect-h-9 aspect-w-4">
Transform Scale scale <div class="scale-90 scale-100 scale-125">
Transform Rotate rotate <div class="rotate-45 rotate-90 rotate-180">
Translate translate <div class="translate-x-4 translate-y-8 translate-x-1/2">

Here’s a mapping table for the additional Tailwind abbreviations like md, lg, and xl, and their descriptions:

Abbreviation Description
sm Small screens (min-width: 640px)
md Medium screens (min-width: 768px)
lg Large screens (min-width: 1024px)
xl Extra-large screens (min-width: 1280px)
2xl 2X-large screens (min-width: 1536px)
hover Hover state pseudo-class
focus Focus state pseudo-class
active Active state pseudo-class
disabled Disabled state pseudo-class
dark Dark mode variant
first First-child pseudo-class
last Last-child pseudo-class
even Even-child pseudo-class
odd Odd-child pseudo-class
group-hover Hover state on a parent element with class group
group-focus Focus state on a parent element with class group
motion-safe Motion-safe media query
motion-reduce Motion-reduce media query
print Print media query

These abbreviations are mainly used to apply styles conditionally based on screen size, interaction state, or media queries.

Here’s a mapping table for the Tailwind value numbers like 1/2, h-48, and ring-2, and their meanings:

Value Description
1/2 50% of the parent width or height
1/3 33.33% of the parent width or height
1/4 25% of the parent width or height
2/3 66.66% of the parent width or height
3/4 75% of the parent width or height
full 100% of the parent width or height
h-48 Height of 12rem (192px)
h-64 Height of 16rem (256px)
h-screen 100% of the viewport height
w-48 Width of 12rem (192px)
w-64 Width of 16rem (256px)
w-screen 100% of the viewport width
p-1 Padding of 0.25rem (4px)
p-2 Padding of 0.5rem (8px)
p-4 Padding of 1rem (16px)
p-8 Padding of 2rem (32px)
m-1 Margin of 0.25rem (4px)
m-2 Margin of 0.5rem (8px)
m-4 Margin of 1rem (16px)
m-8 Margin of 2rem (32px)
ring-2 Ring width of 2px
ring-4 Ring width of 4px
ring-offset-2 Ring offset of 2px
opacity-50 50% opacity
opacity-75 75% opacity
z-10 z-index of 10
z-50 z-index of 50
rounded-sm Small border-radius (0.125rem or 2px)
rounded-md Medium border-radius (0.375rem or 6px)
rounded-lg Large border-radius (0.5rem or 8px)

These numerical values represent various spacing, sizing, opacity, z-index, and border-radius utilities in Tailwind. They are often defined in rems, percentages, or pixels depending on the context of the property.
